Contact Information
I have been the Treasurer at Osnaburg Local since June 1998. My goal is to provide the superintendent and the community with the most sound and up to date information on the district's finances.
My assistant, Diane Walker, handles all the payroll and purchase orders for the district. She has been working with me since June 2001, and she is helping to make our office run as efficiently and "user-friendly" as possible.
We can be reached year round at 330-488-1427.
Christine Robenstine, Treasurer e-mail:
Diane Walker, Asst. Treasurer e-mail:
Fiscal Information
Click one of the following links to see the Osnaburg Local School District's 5-year Forecast. These fiscal documents were presented at an earlier board meeting. Please feel free to contact our central office with any questions.
Please click HERE to view the Ohio Checkbook website to navigate the last five years of our district's expenses. As you navigate our expenses, there is a link to ask questions by sending and e-mail to our treasurer.