
Stacy Duskey, Special Education Coordinator

Brandy Lebo, Special Education Secretary

Stephanie Jozwiakowski, Psychologist

If you have questions about the referral process for special education, check out "Special Education 101" under Special Education Procedures section.

Ever wonder what all the acronyms in special education are all about? Here are some of the most common:

  • AT: Assistive Technology
  • ETR: Evaluation Team Report
  • IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
  • IEP: Individualized Education Plan
  • LRE: Least Restrictive Environment
  • OHI: Other Health Impairment
  • OT: Occupational Therapy
  • PLOP: Present Level of Performance
  • PT: Physical Therapy
  • RTI: Response to Intervention
  • SLD: Specific Learning Disability
  • TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury


Early Intervention

In Ohio, the department that provides public services for children ages 0-3 years who may have disabilities is called "Help Me Grow." Visit their website for more information.

Information about Disabilities

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) publishes information written for educators on a wide range of topics, such as crisis and safety, social/emotional development, diversity, behavior, and assessment.

This website is a great place to find out about creative ideas and the latest information related to education, including, but limited to, special education.

NASP publishes many handouts written for families about such topics as behavior, resilience, parenting, crisis, and mental health.

Special Education Procedures

Here are the basics about special education-interventions, referrals for testing, legal rights, and services. A good place to start for parents wondering where to go about their child's problems.

This is the document that spells out all of the parent's rights with regards to special education in the state of Ohio. It also provides many definitions that are helpful in understanding this complex field.


Transition from high school to adult

This state-wide website provides a wealth of information about jobs, including career exploration, education and training, funding resources, and job hunting. It lets anyone set up and save a "job packet" where gathered information can be stored.